Register Provider   Skip portlet
To obtain a user id and password, Providers must have an approved enrollment with Alaska and have received their Provider number.

Register Member   Skip portlet
To obtain a user id and password to the Member Portal, Members must be enrolled in the Alaska Medicaid program and have a valid Medicaid Id.

Sign In   Skip portlet
Log into the system based upon your role:
MMIS Messages   Skip portlet

Please note, at this time, users may not be able to access their remittance advice (RA). RAs are actively being processed and will be available shortly. Please check back periodically. We apologize for the inconvenience.




The Alaska MMIS may not be accessible during the weekly scheduled maintenance hours of 6:00 p.m. ADT Saturday to 6:00 a.m. ADT  Sunday.



Alaska Medicaid Health Enterprise supports the following internet browsers: Internet Explorer 11 (IE11), Google Chrome 53 or later, and Firefox 49 or later.


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